
July 2020 Update

Dear Patients, 

We are now open again! Please review the information below in preparation for your future visits: 


Please note we are still in the midst of a pandemic and there are risks associated with visiting a dental office at this time. 


  1. Prior to your appointment:
    1. COVID-19 PRESCREENING: Please let us know over phone or email if you answer yes to any of the following questions: 
      1. Are you currently experiencing or have you experienced in the last 14 days any of the following: 
        1. Fever 100.4 or over
        2. Cough
        3. Shortness of breath of difficulty breathing
        4. Sore Throat
        5. New loss of taste or smell
        6. Chills
        7. Head or muscle aches
        8. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
      2. In the past 14 days:
        1. Have you been in close proximity to anyone who was experiencing any of the above symptoms or has experienced any of the above symptoms since your contact?
        2. Have you been in close proximity to anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
        3. Have you been on a commercial flight or traveled outside of the United States?
        4. Have you been in close proximity to anyone who has been on a commercial flight or traveled outside of the United States?
      3. Have you been tested for COVID-19 and are waiting to receive test results?
      4. Have you tested positive or are presumptively positive for COVID-19 based on your health care provider's assessment of your symptoms
      5. Is there any reason why you feel you are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 or experiencing complications from COVID-19 by entering the facility? 
    2. New patient paperwork: To minimize your time in the waiting area, please print and fill out new patient paperwork (click here to download) before coming to your appointment. Paperwork can also be emailed to us ahead of time. 
  2. Arriving at the office
    1. Face coverings are REQUIRED to enter the building. We ask that you maintain your face covering until you are inside the treatment room.
    2. Please use hand sanitizer (provided) or wash hands on arrival (washroom is outside the office at the opposite end of the hallway)
    3. Please do not arrive more than 5-10 mins early to minimize your time in the waiting area
    4. Only patients and one caregiver will be allowed inside the office. We would please ask any friends and family members not receiving treatment to wait outside the building (there's a nice park down the street
  3. Fever screening: Your temperature will be taken in the waiting area.
    1. Any guests with a temperature of 100 F and over or showing signs or symptoms will be asked to leave and self-quarantine and appointments rescheduled. 
  4. Handshakes and hugs: Until we can safely do so again we will be expressing our gratitude and greetings with hand waves and smiles.
  5. We ask for your understanding while we will try to address all of your treatment needs during your visit :)


What to expect:

  1. Scheduling:
    1. Number of patients per day has been reduced to accommodate the increased time needed for sanitation of rooms and PPE between treatments
  2. Waiting area:
    1. Seats have been spaced further apart
    2. Reading materials have been removed
    3. Hand sanitizer will be provided
  3. Facility changes:
    1. Barriers at the entrance of every treatment room to minimize any aerosol spread
    2. Fresh air ventilation fans in treatment rooms
    3. HEPA air filtration 
    4. Extra-oral vacuum HEPA filtration units
    5. Common areas will be disinfected regularly throughout the day
  4. During your appointment:
    1. Increased usage of rubber dams
    2. Pre-procedural mouth rinses
  5. PPE - KN95 masks, gowns, face masks for our staff.

This is an evolving situation and these protocols are subject to change as more information is made available. Thank you for your understanding.